The first commitment of our strategy is entitled “Grow positive impact business”:
this fundamental pillar aims to focus on positive impact solutions and create sustainable business models.

LACROIX’s mission and strategic positioning is to contribute to build and manage sustainable ecosystems thanks to useful robust and secure connected technologies.

In this way, LACROIX aims to position itself on the most buoyant markets, aligned with major socio-economic issues.


LACROIX Impact Score

This tool enables us to classify our products according to their contribution to the ecological transition to guide our market choices.

Products are thus classified into 3 distinct categories:

  • Excluded product
  • Neutral product
  • Impact product


In 2022, LACROIX sold more than 90 million products, including:

  • 100% of Environment products have a positive impact
  • 51% of Electronics activity products have a positive impact
  • (95% of City activty products (excluding Signaling BU) have a positive impact)

The aim is to reach 80% by 2030, compared with an average of 61% for the Group as a whole in 2023.


Quantifiying the environmental benefits of our products

The Electronics activity manufactures electronic equipment to contribute to the transition of the automotive, avionics, HBAS and industrial sectors.
The aim is to:

  • Gradually exit markets that do not demonstrate sufficient impact (oil exploration, video games, …)
  • Accelerate positive-impact businesses (predictive maintenance, LED headlights, heat pumps, air purifiers, …)


The Environment activity optimizes and secures water and energy infrastructures for Water & Waterwaste, Smart Grids, HVAC and street lighting.

For this activity, our guidelines are: ​

    • Sustainability and innovation
    • Focus on solutions that have the greatest impact when developing new offerings
    • Maximize the impact of our installed base


The next step is to prove the net positive impact of our Environment products: greenhouse gas emissions avoided, energy and water savings, …


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Our sustainable operations

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Our eco-efficient solutions

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Our commitment to our teams & territories

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