Technology at the heart of the ecological transition

For most reference players (6th IPCC report, Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations, ADEME Transitions 2050 scenarios), technology is essential to the ecological transition.

According to ADEME, the number of digital devices could reach up to 11 billion connected objects in France in 2050.

Faced with this expected strong growth in IoT, IIoT solution providers will need to prioritize those solutions showing the most significant impact:

  • The right amount of technology: Meeting needs that low-tech or behavior changes cannot meet
  • Useful technology: Saves more carbon & energythan needed to build them (net positive impact)


Our vision: a strong guideline

We believe that technology should contribute to simple, sustainable & safer environments.
LACROIX is positioned as an actor in ADEME’s 2 (Territorial cooperation) & 3 (Green technologies) scenarios, in line with our vision of a useful and eco-designed technology.

We don’t believe that the solution to the ecological crisis lies in technology alone,
but we are convinced that technology is essential to meeting environmental and societal challenges.

In a world where energy and resources are increasingly scarce and precious,
the technologies we maintain and develop must demonstrate both their usefulness & sobriety.

Vincent Bedouin


Read the editorial by Vincent Bedouin


Our positive impact strategy 

It is based on 4 societal commitments, with 11 associated priorities:

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Our 2030 impact targets

Discover our 2023 Impact Report

Our certifications

We answer to the main extra-financial rating agencies, whose assessments reflect the improvement in our performance year after year.


gaia rating

Silver Medal EcoVadis, with a 15% increase
compared to the 2022 results.

This distinction places us among the
top 25% of the best-rated companies.

Score of 63/100 for the
Gaïa Rating certification in 2023, with +2 points
compared to 2022.

These improved results confirm that the Group is
on the right track to achieve its long-term positive impact goals.​


1st year of reporting in 2023

Discover more in our Q&A